SIIG Automobile Battery Charger Uživatelský manuál

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P a g e 1 | 9
How to use Bluetooth to control the MallinCam Micro with MMEC
This document is composed to two main sections. Section A beginning on page 2 describes how to control the
MallinCam Micro using your Laptop’s Bluetooth connection to a SIIG Bluetooth module connected to the Micro. Section
B beginning on page 6 describes how to control the Micro over a dedicated pair of SIIG Bluetooth modules, even if your
Laptop does not support Bluetooth. The pair of SIIG Bluetooth modules also provides a longer range wireless
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Strany 1 - P a g e 1

P a g e 1 | 9 How to use Bluetooth to control the MallinCam Micro with MMEC This document is composed to two main sections. Section A beginning on

Strany 2 - P a g e 2

P a g e 2 | 9 SECTION A: How to control the MallinCam Micro using your Laptop’s built in Bluetooth capability The MallinCam Micro can be controlled

Strany 3 - P a g e 3

P a g e 3 | 9 Start a terminal program on your computer, such as Hyperterm or Tera Term. Select the Serial Com port associated with your USB to Ser

Strany 4 - P a g e 4

P a g e 4 | 9 Pairing the SIIG You are now ready to pair the SIIG to use it with your Micro-EX. Connect the SIIG to the DB9 Male/Male adapter whic

Strany 5 - P a g e 5

P a g e 5 | 9 Presets. Try changing the Preset Menu Speed to 5 whenever you use the MMEC with a Bluetooth connection. Otherwise a Preset command se

Strany 6 - P a g e 6

P a g e 6 | 9 SECTION B: How to control the MallinCam Micro using a pair of Bluetooth devices The MallinCam Micro can also be controlled from the Ma

Strany 7 - P a g e 7

P a g e 7 | 9 2. Start a terminal program on your computer, such as Hyperterm or Tera Term. Select the Serial Com port associated with your USB to

Strany 8 - P a g e 8

P a g e 8 | 9 5. Configure it for 9600 baud as described in step 2. 6. After you verify it is working OK at 9600 baud, type “ROLE=M” in the terminal

Strany 9 - P a g e 9

P a g e 9 | 9 Start the MMEC application (and your video display application if you are using one). Set the number next to COM on the main MMEC win

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