SIIG 4-Port RS232 Serial PCI with 16550 UART Uživatelský manuál

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Hardware Architecture Reference Platform
User’s Manual
US7729-HCB1/10/11 & US7709A-HCB1/10/11
US7729-HRP10A & US7709A-HRP10A
US7729-HRP11A & US7709A-HRP11A
Version A.2
Hitachi Semiconductor (America), Inc.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 63 64

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Strany 1 - US7729/09A

US7729/09AHardware Architecture Reference Platform User’s Manual US7729-HCB1/10/11 & US7709A-HCB1/10/11 US7729-HRP10A & US7709A-HRP10A US7729

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8 Section 2 Quick Start Guide (WinCE) This section describes the following for the SH7709A/7729 HARP: • The hardware and software requirements.

Strany 3 - Contents

9 2.1.3 Shipped with SH7709A/7729 HARP • SH7709A/7729 base board (Key West) with face plate • System I/O daughter board (Tahoe) with face plate •

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10 * For reference, if the user would like to boot into the WinCE OS installed in FLASH, switch S1 would be set to: OFF OFF OFF OFF 2.2 Harp Connec

Strany 5 - Revision History

11 • Data bits: 8 • Parity: None • Stop bits: 1 • Flow control: None 5. File->Save. Save these settings so that you don’t have

Strany 6 - Section 1 Overview

12 4. The command prompt shell will appear on the display monitor. 5. Typing dir <Enter> will display a list of files and folders from Window

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14 Section 3 Quick Start Guide (VxWorks) The following information gives guidelines and suggestions for the setup of the SH7751 HARP when using t

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15 3.2 Download BSP from Platform Support Site 1. Using a standard web browser, view the following page:

Strany 10 - 2.1 System Requirements

16 3.4 Build VxWorks and Boot ROM Images 1. Make sure the Tornado Registry is running. You should see its icon in the Windows tray on the taskb

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17 3.5 Downloading “bootrom.hex” Image to the Target There are several methods available to download images to the target. We will use DMON’s “LE”

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Notice When using this document, keep the following in mind: 1. This document may, wholly or partially, be subject to change without notice. 2. All

Strany 13 - 2.6 Running Windows CE

18 3.6 Setup FTP Server 1. Start the FTP server from the Start→→→→Programs→→→→Tornado2 menu. 2. Select “Users/rights…” from the “Security” menu t

Strany 14 - 2.7 Tested Hardware

19 Section 4 Hardware Description Functional Description CPU The Key West may be configured with either a Hitachi SH7709A or SH7729 SH3 process

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20 Pushing this button has the exact same effect as an assertion of PRST# on the CPCI bus. The system is forced into a hard-reset state whenever thi

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21 Table 2: Debug Serial Port Pin-out Pin Name Pin Name 1 DBG_CD 6 DBG_DSR 2 DBG_RX 7 DBG_RTS 3 DBG_TX 8 DBG_CTS 4 DBG_DTR 9 DBG_RI 5 GND T

Strany 17 - 3.3 Modify config.h

22 Bus Speed Frequency SDRAM 66 MHz V3-PCI Bridge 66 MHz SMSC Ethernet 66 MHz I/O Expansion 66 MHz Timers The SH7709A/7729 and 64465 chips pro

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23 • False start bit detection VGA Graphics The graphics controller supports the MediaQ MQ-200 companion chip. The controller provides up to 1280 x

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24 configuration a special parallel port cable must be used. This cable can be obtained from Redmond Cable Corp., in Redmond, WA, PN MIC-64355913 (1

Strany 20 - 3.7 Launch VxWorks

25 Table 6: IrDA connector Pin-out Pin Name Direction Function 1 TX I Transmit data 2 SEL1/ID1 I/O I/O Pin for identification 3 GND O Ground

Strany 21

26 Table 8 HARP LCD Header Signal Definitions Name Function DF The DF signal is used on some LCD panels for internal biasing. It is a clocking sig

Strany 22 - Figure 1 Switch Placement

27 43 P18 44 P19 45 GND 46 P21 47 P20 48 P23 49 P22 50 GND Table 10: LCD Data Format Data Pin Citizen Color K6488L-FF 640x480 scan-l

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i Contents Section 1 Overview...

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28 • Area 5 is allocated to PC Card Channel 1 (PCC1) and supports both memory and I/O interfaces. The ability to switch between Attribute memory or

Strany 25 - Table 3: VGA Pin-out

29 Microsoft has a reference platform that is used for running Windows CE inside an automobile called Auto PC. It consists of a CPU and a support ca

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30 Signal Name Definition CS3 Chip select for the 64 Mbytes of SDRAM RAS3L/PTJ0 RAS for lower 32 Mbytes SDRAM RAS3U/PTE2 RAS for upper 32 Mbytes

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31 Section 5 Programmer’s Guide Memory Map The SH7729 Key West Demonstration Platform is a stand-alone computing system. The SH3 MCU supports up

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32 0 0x0000 0000 0x03FF FFFF 000 64MB CS0 8 bit 32 bit Boot ROM (512k x 8) or Flash (1M x 32 bit) with boot from Flash 1 0x0400 0000 0x07FF FFFF

Strany 29 - Table 10: LCD Data Format

33 Table 13: HD64465 Address Mapping IrDA RegisterUART RegisterParallel Port RegisterTimer RegisterGPIO RegisterPCMCIA RegisterStandby & System

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34 See the HP HDSP-2534 device specification for further details of this register space. All functional aspects of this display are supported. Speci

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35 PCMCIAEN: A “1” indicates that the PCMCIA decode is enabled for CS5 & CS6 address space. A “0” indicates that the PCI aperture decode is enab

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36 Debug Register Base Address: 0x11FF A000 Data Assignments (RO = Read-Only, RW = Read-Write): D07 D06 D05 D04 D03 D02 D01 D00 N/A DEBUG6 DEBUG

Strany 33 - Word Size* Function

37 Table 14: MQ-200 Address Mapping 64464 RegisterSpaceFrame BufferReserved0x1200 0000-0x12FF FFFF0x1300 0000-0x13DF FFFF0x13E0 0000-0x13FF FFFF16MB

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ii Bus Control Register 1 (BCR1) ...53 Bus Con

Strany 35

38 S1-2 DEBUSERIAL# 7709A/7729 PTG1; Rev 4 Bd. or less only S1-3 FLASHPROT# 7709A/7729 PTG2; Rev 4 Bd. or less only S1-4 MISCSW 7709A/7729 PTG3

Strany 36

39 Table 18: SDRAM 64MB tests Test Number Data Width Test/Data Written 1 32 bit Write Background of 0xFFFFFFFF and then walk through and read b

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40 Compact PCI Interface The Compact PCI bus interface supports four standard bus interrupts A, B, C and D. Additionally we need to support two lega

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41 Timers . The timer resources are in the 7709A/7729 and the HD64465 companion chip. Product RS-232 Port Table 23: Product Serial Port Resource As

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42 PP_BUSY HD64465 BUSY PP_PE HD64465 PE PP_SLCT HD64465 SLCT PP_IPD[0..7] HD64465 PPD[0..7] PS/2 Mouse Port The PS/2 mouse support is

Strany 40 - Table 17: Switch S2 Settings


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44 USB These signals connect to the two stacked USB connectors on the Tahoe board. Table 30: USB Resource Assignment Signal Source I/O Port Notes US

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45 Table 32: Sound System Resource Assignment Signal Source I/O Port Notes AD_ACCLK HD64465 ACCLK AD_ACRST# HD64465 ACRST# AD_ACPD# HD64465 A

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46 SENOUT6 HD64465 PA6 R/W SENOUT7 HD64465 PA7 R/W Smart Card Interface Table 36: Smart Card Port Assignment Signal Source I/O Port Notes SH_S

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47 Four Wire Touch Screen Input Table 37: Four-Wire Touch Screen Resource Assignment Signal Source I/O Port Notes GPIO3 HD64465 PE2 Output GPIO2

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iii Read Me First If you do nothing else please review sections 2 and 3 before you start. This will reduce the initial startup problems that may oc

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48 TP HD64465 PE[4..7] I/O Test Point Definitions TP4 IRQOUT- 7709A/7729 TP1 PTC7/PINT7 7709A/7729 TP8 PTE7 7709A/7729 TP6 PTG4 7709A/7729

Strany 47

49 PINT10 AutoPC Interrupt conn. AUTOINT2 Low PINT11 AutoPC Interrupt conn. AUTOINT3 Low PINT12 AutoPC Interrupt conn. AUTOINT4 Low PINT13 Aut

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50 RS-232 Ports SCIF Port Definition RXD1/SCPT2 DTR (software controlled) SCK1/SCPT3 CD (software controlled) RxD2/SCPT4 Receive data (console,

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51 Appendix A Key West Bill of Material (BOM) This will is listed on the CD that can be obtained after signing the Agreement included in the Shi

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52 Appendix B Tahoe PCB Bill of Material (BOM) This is listed on the CD that can be obtained after signing the Agreement included in the Shipping

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53 Appendix C SH7709A/7729 Registers The following is a detailed description of the SH3 registers used to initialize the processor at power-up/res

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54 Wait State Control Register 1 (WCR1) Wait state control register 1 (WCR1) specifies the idle time between area changes and a read to a write in t

Strany 53 - Shipping box

55 Individual Memory Control Register (MCR) The individual memory control register (MCR) is a 16-bit read/write register that specifies RAS and CAS

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56 Refresh Time Constant Register (RTCOR) Refresh time constant register (RTCOR) defines the period between each refresh cycle. It is calculated by

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57 Appendix D Key West Jumpers (listed by Function) Following is a detailed description of the jumper locations on the Key West PCB. The jumpers a

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4 Section 1 Overview 1.1 Introduction The Hitachi SuperH tm microprocessor-based Hardware Architecture Reference Platform (HARP) consists of a p

Strany 57 - SDRAM Mode Register (SDMR3)

58 JP41 & JP42 Clock Skew Controls clock skew for: Sysclk, SDRAM Off-board clocks. CPLD Programming Port JP2 System CPLD (6 p

Strany 58 - Other Registers

59 PCI and PCMCIA J5 & J7 & J11 CompactPCI Connectors JP7 PCI Clock Frequency Select In = 16.6 MHz *Out = 33 MHz JP35 PCM

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60 Appendix E Key West Jumpers (listed by Jumper number) Following is a list of the jumper locations on the Key West PCB. The jumpers are listed i

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61 J5 CompactPCI Connector J6 VGA Connector (15 pin female) J7 CompactPCI Connector J8 USB Connector (4 pins) J9 Serial Debug (9 pin ma

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62 Appendix F Tahoe Daughterboard Connectors External Connectors J1 Line In J2 Mono Mic In J3 Amplified headphone out J4A PS/2 Keyboard C

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5 1.2 Key West Base Board Features Figure 1.1 SH7709A/7729 Base Board (Key West) • SH7709A/7729 processor running at 133 MHz (3.3 V) • Syste

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6 1.3 Tahoe Daughter Board Features Figure 1.2 Tahoe I/O Board HD64465 • PCMCIA interface that supports PCMCIA Rev. 2.1/JEIDA version 4.2 (2

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7 Figure 1.2 SH7709A/7729 HARP -- Key West + Tahoe

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